I've been tagged by my friends
Cocoa and Barley to do the fifth file meme!
The rules are:
Open a document or file folder, click on the fifth folder and then the fifth photo. Post the photo and describe it. Then tag 5 other bloggers."
I found this.
To protect you from scares and nightmares, the pic has been edited.

This was taken almost three years ago, some time in March 2006.
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*Protests* *Protests* *Protests* *Protests* *Protests* *Protests*
*Protests* *Protests* *Protests* *Protests* *Protests* *Protests*
*Protests* *Protests* *Protests* *Protests* *Protests* *Protests*
*Protests* *Protests* *Protests* *Protests* *Protests* *Protests*
Okok, so you want to see the original
un-edited not-so-edited version? Sure?
Here goes!

Me with my evil eyes :P I did warn you k!
I know I am supposed to tag someone but I am just too lazy so.... ;)
Special credits to Lil Jiejie who taught my Jiejie how to do that bling bling sparkle thingie :P