I am due for a
hot date review with Dr Ling this coming weekend.
I was happily planning the trip when the phone rang.
Dr Ling is sick! Oh my dog! Oh my dog! Oh my dog! Oh my dog!
mee see clinic assistant who called Jiejie said that Dr Ling's finger (right hand) was bitten by a stray cat and the wound is now inflammed! She'll be going for an operation and will be away for at least 3 weeks! Gosh! The wound must be very bad :(
I was angry at that stray kitty at first because
it spoilt my plan Dr Ling is a very gentle and friendly person and I cannot understand why the kitty would do such a thing to Dr Ling. Jiejie chided me and told me the kitty might have acted defensive because of painful past experience with humans and that I shouldn't jump to conclusion.
I hope Dr Ling will take good care and rest well. I hope the kitty will be ok too.
Now I need to think of another
excuse reason to go out.

Korkor, I think my nails are very very very very long already you know? :P
Hi, Bee Bee!
I hope your doctor gets better soon!
Yes, maybe that kitty had a bad experience in life!
I hope you can go out soon!
Do you like to get your nails cut?? I don't like it!
Kisses and hugs
Oh my dog ! Our world favorite Namily Place doctor Ling is sick ?! hope she get well soon ):
Love her a lot ! She is rated #1 in our heart , but is too far from our place ! Dr Grace Heng in Joyous vet is now rated #2 !
Lots of Loves ,
Three Musketeers
HAHHAHA.. Bee Bee!! I had a good chuckle at your 'mee see'!!
Poor Dr Ling.. I hope her finger heals soon...
Nope nope , I am sure this is no puppy love ! I am not like Boo the Casanova (:
Loves ,
Oh dear poor Dr. Ling! It must be a really nasty bitey :-( We hope she gets well soon!
Cocoa and Barley
So sorry to hear that Dr. Ling got hurt.
JieJie was very understanding and kind to that stray kitty, Bee Bee!
Please come visit me to share my happiness, I have to shout out loud my love, I'm deeply in love, buddy!
Yipeeeee ! I am one happy dog now ! Can't sleep last night !!! :D
Lots of Loves ,
Three Musketeers
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