Hi Bee Bee, I came by to say hello, I saw you were on TV, may I have your autograph, please? My name is Mango, a Maltese breed. My parents visited Singapore before, they loved it, green and clean garden city. Can we be friends, please? Lorenza and Huskee are my friends too. I love them. Cheers!
OMdoG Bee Bee... You are famous!!
Hi, Bee Bee!
Yes! this site is fun right?
I like both pictures but the first one is pawesome!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Bee Bee,
I came by to say hello, I saw you were on TV, may I have your autograph, please?
My name is Mango, a Maltese breed.
My parents visited Singapore before, they loved it, green and clean garden city.
Can we be friends, please?
Lorenza and Huskee are my friends too. I love them.
Nice to see yourself on tv at times....hehehe
Ehh tat is so cool!
Cocoa and Barley
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