I know it's kind of late but FINALLY Jiejie has completed the cards for the Christmas Card Exchange :)
I tried to help a little but she kept complaining about me folding the origami the wrong way :P End up she has gotta do all the 100+ origami Christmas trees all by herself! It's fun seeing her doing all the folding while I am lying on my comfy pillow chilling out hehe :P
She however allowed me to play with the new cutter that produces a really cute cut-out that coincidentally resembles me especially the cute muzzle,fat bum and short tail.
I tried to help a little but she kept complaining about me folding the origami the wrong way :P End up she has gotta do all the 100+ origami Christmas trees all by herself! It's fun seeing her doing all the folding while I am lying on my comfy pillow chilling out hehe :P
She however allowed me to play with the new cutter that produces a really cute cut-out that coincidentally resembles me especially the cute muzzle,

The colors were chosen by my Jiejie as I have no particular preference (it's either black, white or grey if you let me choose :P).
But my Jiejie is STILL very obsessed with her Feng Shui stuffs when doing the cards. See even the way she aligned the envelopes for taking this photo has a Feng Shui meaning -_-"
Jiejie: It's elementary dear.... Wood (green) nourishes Fire (orange) which in turns nourishes Earth (yellow)....
Me: Yawn....
All these will be posted out tomorrow :)
Cards Received
Korkor was really surprised and jealous when he saw the number of cards attention to me when he checks the mailbox yesterday.
The cards were lovely and it was really fun seeing my name on the envelopes :D Korkor laughed when he saw King King's card - it was attention to Miss Ong Bee Bee hehe!
Thanks Simba! Thanks Lady, Zena and Cody! Thanks King King! Thanks Amber-Mae!